Due to unsafe and dangerous temperatures, there will be no services or Oneighty this Wednesday night (2/19).

Water Baptism For Kids.

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision for Christ.

Has your child made a decision to follow Christ and they're asking about water baptism? First, watch this video to help start the conversation.

Take the next step.

Ask your kiddo the following questions:
  1.  What is the number one reason you should get baptized in water?
    • A: I want to show others that I've chosen to follow Jesus with my life.
  2. What does water baptism represent?
    • A: It's an outward picture of what Jesus has done for me. Jesus died for my sins, was buried, and then raised to life again. Water baptism shows that by choosing to follow Jesus, I'm laying my old ways (sinful choices) down (going under the water), and coming up new in Christ (choosing to live a new life with a clean heart).
  3. Does water baptism wash away your sins?
    • A: No, it just shows that I've asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins.
If your child can answer these 3 questions on their own, then they're ready to be baptized in water! Use the form below to let us know that they're ready!