Temple Maintenance

May 5, 2024    Devin Leichner

The scripture tells us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. Romans also tells us that we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. Many people complain about the American environment being riddled with diet choices that are too hard to navigate. However, the Word of God always has something to look to in any area of truth. Daniel was presented with an un-healthy diet, and yet the Bible says he purposed in his heart not to defile himself. The Bible instructs us to be tempered, and that includes our diet and how we treat the temple of the Holy Ghost. If there are things that feel good we should not do because they will destroy us, then there are also things that taste good that we should train ourselves away from because they destroy the temple. There has to be a revival of biblical principles regarding our health and wholeness. Let it start with the believer - we can do all things though Christ who strengthens us. Satan hates the temple of God, and he does not want us to be effective….therefore he also tempts us to destroy it. Join us for a very needed message…Temple Maintenance.