Due to unsafe and dangerous temperatures, there will be no services or Oneighty this Wednesday night (2/19).

God’s Likes

Feb 23, 2025    Devin Leichner

So much is preached in the church world about what God dislikes….what God hates. It seems Christians are really good at reciting what God hates, but sometimes rarely talk about what God LIKES. Maybe if we concentrated on God’s likes and loves, we would live in a way that puts His likes at the forefront of our witness. What does God like? What does God love? What does God love to see in His people? We spend every day of our lives “liking” things online, but what does God stamp as a “like”from heaven’s screen about us? Yes, God always loves, but there ARE things He likes. Join us for a message from Lead Pastor Devin Leichner, “God’s Likes.”