Due to unsafe and dangerous temperatures, there will be no services or Oneighty this Wednesday night (2/19).

Men Of Covenant Contract.

About Men Of Covenant

Get commited.

Christ’s resurrection gave mankind the ability to have a personal relationship with God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. By confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, you are made new. Not improved or adjusted, but a new creation reconciled to God the father. This is the new and eternal Covenant only possible by the blood of Jesus Christ.
While this is a gift, it is also a responsibility. As Men of Covenant, our commitment is to view all the blessings in our lives as opportunities to express our gratitude to God. The goal of this men’s group is to focus on three simple commitments that will strengthen us in our daily lives.
1. Commitment to Scripture
Each month we will have a verse for memorization. Read it and meditate on it throughout the day. At the end of the month, have it written on your heart so that without hesitation you can recite it when anxious, angry, confused etc.

2. Commitment to Prayer
Men commit to AT LEAST 5 minutes of dedicated prayer each day. Not in the car or while you’re getting your computer booted up at work. 5 minutes. Just you and God. Every day.

3. Commitment to Accountability
All men have questions, doubts, fears, and anxieties. Work, marriage, children, college, finances etc. The purpose of the group is not to discuss those issues as a group, but to create an atmosphere of fellowship that men can feel comfortable in asking another Christian man for counsel. Problems with kids? Ask a man that has grown children. Spousal issues? Ask a man that has been married for several years and seems happy about it. Finances? You get the idea. Iron sharpens iron. The goal is that at all times, you have at least one man you are being counseled by or counseling.